Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Juggling Schedules

All of a sudden it seems that all of us have gotten extremely busy.  Maybe because it is spring time and more people are getting out and about or maybe it is the rush to fit everything in before people start vacations.  I am trying to figure out the best way to organize 5 peoples schedules and keep my husband in the loop.  I have not found the perfect system yet, but I can see why families go to color coding!


  1. I'm there already. Our calendar is color coded and Fred makes fun of me. I bet he won't once this little one arrives and things get a bit more hectic around here.

    (*my iPhone has made a difference too).

  2. A little late here, but we use Google calendars. Love the color coding (and personalized daily itinerary sent to my mailbox). Calendar for me, one for Sue, one for general chores, one for the girls, one for birthdays and a general one for family/house events. Also prints nicely to one page for hanging a monthly version on the wall.
